Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Hyper Black Star Spawn Universe

The Hyper Black Star Spawn Universe
                                               BY Rodney Kawecki 2014

      At the point of no return for anything that falls in — is a spherical surface. In a higher-dimensional universe, a black hole could have a three-dimensional event horizon, which could spawn a whole new universe as it forms.

     It could be time to bid the Big Bang bye-bye. Cosmologists have speculated that the Universe formed from the debris ejected when a four-dimensional star collapsed into a black hole — a scenario that would help to explain why the cosmos seems to be so uniform in all directions.

     The standard Big Bang model tells us that the Universe exploded out of an infinitely dense point, or singularity. But nobody knows what would have triggered this outburst: the known laws of physics cannot tell us what happened at that moment.

     Temperature equilibrium hyper-active time whence haven in the birth of the cosmos the Universe had an almost completely uniform temperature incarnation unknown by any single living creature in its dominion Our Universe, a black hole is bounded by a spherical surface in ordinary three-dimensional space it takes a two-dimensional object (surface) to create a boundary inside a collapsed dominion space bubble. In the bulk universe the event of a 4D black bubble would be a 3D object — a shape called a hyper sphere modeled as a dark 4D star, they find that ejected material erupting from an invisible dark star would form a 3D brane surrounded by a 3D event horizon slowly expanding in the amidst of time. Relic radiation that carries imprints of the Universe’s early moments. The observed patterns match predictions made by the standard model and inflation that inversely explains a window in space which allows to a introcosmologic model of debris mysteriously finding its presence as a the cosmic seed that universes appear from.

Despite the mismatch, the Big Bang model singularity is the most fundamental problem in cosmology and they have rewritten history so that we never encountered it”. The Planck results “prove that inflation is correct” it explains the realistic logic that the universe grew from a smaller deity of composed matter into an infinitely gigantic planetestial model we know as the universe.  The problem about modern physics theoretical logic is that the whereabouts the matter arises from is still a mystery.

    In Quanta Physics Theory Rodney Kawecki has developed a logical model of a universe which obeys all the laws of physics but also introduces a new complicity about faster than light velocity space travel.  What Quanta Physics Theory also does allows a balance in logic that explains the existence of the universe under the same intermediate logic and theoretical guidelines that the more common existing galactic bodies in the universe are explained with.   Inflation occurs in Quanta physics’ logic when it tries to explain a development of the universe from its birth and process of activity that it involves.

      Something and everything come from somewhere but in the mystery of our universe and even the life that exist from it the evolutionary period of an invisible darken star may retain the answers. Clocked by nature in dark space even though the standard model persist that even the darken shadows of space itself were all born all at once in the once singularity of the big bang event logic might allow us to expand and enlighten the transformation about our universe and its birth not only by multiple universe logic but also the foundation of an endless dark space field mass acting as the place for all existing activity to occur with.  In Quanta Physics Theory we call this “The Dark Star Universe Theory” from which everything that may have been hid from mankind observation may act as its threshold.  Engraved in a gravity well in the same manner as all other plantanic bodies are impressed in our four dimensional universe retains all the fundamental properties that presently appear amidst a darken 3D celestial body. It generates allusive deeply impressed matter burst from out of its dense body due to resistance tensioned by it being trapped in a deep gravity well with no escape that rotates physically reforming celestial galaxies, nebulas, cluster and stars that lay impressed and trapped also in its gravity well creating the weight of formulated planetary bodies at galactic scales to lay embedded and impressed in the dark stars extremely rigid outer black atmosphere rigid fabric from the dark stars natural chemistry bending, curving and stretching the trapped planetary atoms celestial orbiting around the dark stars celestial body as it twists and turns bound by inflating molecular pressure inside the retained space.

     Do other dark star universe’s exist amongst our infinite terrain of empty space. And lastly wouldn’t it be likely that in accordance with the big bang theory wouldn’t the development of its explosion reform the existence of a vacuum space field if all was the creation of a single bubble universe singularity?

1 comment:

  1. The Dark Star Universe is the last real chance we have in editing physics of the universe. Changed in 1916 relativity at its height - explained dark stars as black holes. At the galactic scale Rodney Kawecki insist they portal matter from matter pressure bursts from inside a universe size dark star. Hubble theory conforms his data of Kawecki universe. Even Einstein's ideas of black holes what do they do? Where do they come from? Kawecki answers these questions with his new Dark Star Universe Theory.
