The Opera Neutrinos
Faster Than Light Results
Rodney Kawecki
Experiments of neutrino speed played a
role in the reception of the OPERA result by the physics community. Those
experiments did not detect statistically significant deviations of neutrino
speeds from the speed of light. For instance, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees and
theoretical physicists Lawrence Krauss and Stephen Hawking stated neutrinos
from the SN 1987A supernova explosion arrived almost at the same time as light,
indicating no faster-than-light neutrino speed. John Ellis, theoretical
physicist at CERN, believed it difficult to reconcile the OPERA results with
the SN 1987A observations. Observations of this supernova restricted 10 MeV
anti-neutrino speeds to less than 20 parts per billion over light speed. This
was one of the reasons most physicists suspected the OPERA team had made
Quanta Physics Faster Than Light
Measuring speeds is a method of
mathematics. Mathematics in physics’ is the physics method to measure results
of how fast or slow particles travel in time. It is therefore logical to assume
that speeds faster than light according to relativity (1905) is a method of
mathematics but as you can read in Albert Einstein's Universe by Rodney Kawecki
that mathematics doesn't qualify to the subject explaining light speed.
In the dilemma Rodney Kawecki has chosen mathematical numb4rs to vacuum
time travel that coordinate with numbers in gravity atmospheres to resolve the
Explanation: Speeds are measured in the real-time world by real time.
The idea that neutrinos that are made from photon particles travel faster or
slower is not an experiment of real-time coordinates. Comparing the subject
matter in the OPERA Experiment trying to measure something that might travel
faster than light cannot be based on the subject matter of the materials used
to measure the flight.
It stands to reason that if matt5er can not travel faster than the light
limit than anything having to do in the experiment is flawed. We look at trying
to discover whether or not a ship has the capacity to travel faster than its
medium limit by means is always going to be the same. Using particle matter
trying to resolve the issue of faster than light time travel coordinating will
always be the same.
But when we look at space in vacuum weightlessness in a laboratory in
space or on the ground there exist no propulsion value to measure with as shown
in particle physics experiments. How fast can something travel in a boundless
universe should be based on the values not of a confined particle but a
boundless medium. Newton’s first discovery on 'dual acceleration" showed
how time travel coordinating can be changed using propulsion so how hard is it
to believe that faster velocities than light are not possible? Everything
acting inside a forced environment like a planet’s atmosphere is still affected
by that environment because it is there that the experiment is in force.
Gravity is not detectable yet its force acts on every object on the earth’s
Gravity is a result of matter acting on other matter. This effect is
always the same frequency because gravity is the result of matter acting on
matter. It is the size of the mass and its matter chemistry that the weight of
gravity is measured upon. The earth’s energy acts on other surface materials
causing them to manipulate a formal weight means. This means is measured by the
surface matters size and mass energy definition. Even thought the surface
object is smaller - its gravitation is ratified by its center of mass as a
whole. It is assumed that all matter throughout the universe acts on the same
frequency because it all arrived out of a big bang but science has radiated
this by researching the idea that where the universe is made up of multiple
galaxies abroad that these galaxies did not revolve from a single bang but from
smaller independent galactic bangs. Therefore we can resolve the idea that
material masses throughout the universe are different and are not the same.
With this in mind we can see that the Opera Experiment is a definite result of
a single bountiful region bound by that world.
We can also observe the fact that a boundless expanding universe is
boundless not by the weight of its force but the size of its unstableness. As
the universe expands it drags matter with it. Therefore the force of the travel
transmission is expanded also but the question to what end. Matter has a force
velocity of zero in space vacuum. It moves in accordance with how faster this
weight of matter is allowed to. There exist no real-time time travel acceleration
in the manner by which the celestials travel and orbit in space. We assume that
it is due to the universe in motion by spinning but yet we cannot measure those
results but yet it is still moving. Celestial matter at the far outer rim of
the universes expansion are its oldest and the most less energy quality due to
its age.
The manner by which the universe is mapped everything lays deep within a
universal deepest or curvature made by the existing weight matter has on liquid
space. We can assume that all the universes’ trash falls over the farthest edge
of space. We can also assume that gravity in empty space in its emptiest area
midfield the celestial orbitrations are the higher points that exist around a
deepen planet. Where the universe orbits at its strongest point is near its
earliest beginnings. As it spins something more takes place than just what is
said about a big bang universe. New galaxies are being born.
Gravity on an active planet acts according to the laws that govern
science. The effect between the main earth celestial and a surface object is
weighed by a repulsive pushing the same as observed in an expanding universe
theory. It is the frequency of the planets energy that acts on the surface
object which weight coordinates’ a common free fall measurement. It is not the
objects energy that accounts for its weight but the size of the mass. Where the
common source stays the same as a common force between the earth and the
surface matter gravity which is the objects attained weight its energy is what
controls the common speed it free falls back to the earth ground.
We look at this new theory about gravity and time travel to conclude to
the venture that a weightless mass in space acted upon by a pushing initial
gravity force that is universal adding the force of acceleration into the
equation than allows for speed coordinates’ greater than the speed of light.
Gravity is the area and affects between two planets within a closed system
which gravity, the elements and energy forces form as a surrounding barrier
around a planet due to the close perimeters of a group of planets and the
distance between them based on the quality density in each of the other planets
atmosphere. It is the space that exists and is formed at the surface of a
planet we measure to be gravity but is actually the force formed by the
orbitrary cycle in the system of stars or planets that creates this Casmir
space is the actual formation of a group of stars or planets in a system based
on their size and mass that forms a space between them that is not affected by
the vacuum that lays between them.
We look up into the brightened sky at
night and see a wonderful void of lightened stars. Some planets larger than others some captured
in groups we call solar systems. Our sun
the greater of planets in our solar system dominates the other nine. It lies
deep in space as the other nine planets orbit in a grand free fall falling don
towards the sun but the solar system is in a great spin. The dominion star our sun rotates just above
a tensioned space that tightens due to the eight it possesses as a result the
dark fabric rejects fusion with the suns energy and pushes against its element
energy causing it in a spin in the space fabric.
This effect between the sun and the fabric
of space acts also with the other nine planets causing them to spin by he same
reason their energy is rejected by the fabric projectile tension forming an
invisible grid to form. The planets in our solar system age like other systems
throughout the cosmos. Because the
dominion star the sun acts as the main masterpiece with its heavy weight and
lays deepest in the space grid its spin gravitation and the tension it s energy
space pushes away from it causes the other planets in its system to be pushed
sideways due to its spin using its depthless keeping them in free fall at the
same time.
As Einstein would say its all energy of all
the different elements we know of and those we don’t know about with all the
different sizes and mass sizes in a single system they all act in harmony with
each other. The sun forms the carousal causing the balance between free fall
and an outward spinning as the planets divide themselves from one another by the amount and quality of energy they
possess this forming the cycle.
Universe is often defined as the totality of existence including planets,
stars, and galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all matter and
energy. The observable universe is about 46 billion light years in radius.
Observation of its earlier stages suggest that the Universe’s been governed by
the same physical laws and constants throughout most of its history. The Big
Bang theory’s the prevailing model that describes the early development of the
Universe. Observations have shown that the Universe appears to be expanding at
an accelerating rate. There are many theories about the fate of the universe.
Physicists remain unsure about what, if anything preceded
the Big Bang. Many refuse to speculate, doubting that any information from any
such prior state could ever be accessible. There are various multiverse
hypotheses, in which physicists have suggested that the Universe might be 1
among many universes that exist. 2 positively charged wires set apart across
from each other. Where the power of both wires is turned off—1 wire’s connected
to the other and the energy will pass through both wires to a single end that’ll
have an electrical current. If the same 2 wires similar in positive electricity
are separated—what’ll happen? There’ll be a spark. The 2 wires don’t attract as
relativity theory persist they spark proving resistance to each other.
Planetary celestials are similar objects thus it’d stand to reason that they’d
repel but unlike Newton’s theory on gravity they attract each other. The
theories you’ll read explain gravity in the opposing trait and are projected
with the theory that like particles and energies repel and don’t attract. This
theory was a lifelong research about space, time, gravity and the velocity of
light which Kawecki persist that a mass without reference that ‘light’ travels
at a consistent velocity that relativity perceives as a speed limit but more so
that ‘mass’ can travel faster than light based on the capacity of its
proportion value to do so. Unlike a light beam—he limited the velocity of
travel on a light value rather than using a ‘mass’ determination. ‘Light’ isn’t
a good example that explains the proportion capacity of a material mass
spacecraft— it’s just a beam of light and not a maneuverable ship traveling
through space. Kawecki developed a theory on gravity that explains the ability
not only to travel faster than the Einstein Light Beam but also the value and
activity of gravity in space and the gravity realm that sustains a planet, star
or galaxy. 2 similar magnetic like energy or electricity repel because they’re
similar. Unlike poles attract. Newton and Einstein agreed that like matter
attract and based their theories on it. Newton said ‘gravity’ attracts.
Einstein said energy attracts star energy and the celestial-like. Physics says
like energetic materials don’t attract but repel so the question is asked
“Who’s right?” Quanta Physics and the developer of this theory about earth
gravity and space travel asserts the opposing model that like energies repel
and don’t attract as earlier physicists foretold. The indifferences in free
fall in a sphere’s atmosphere are measured by the specific twist and velocity
of the earth’s rotation. A small object size-mass may curve as it falls but is
directed by the planets invisible atmosphere pressure the planet weaves and
layers as it spins at 18.5 miles each second and that minimizes how fast an object
will fall at 9.8 meters per second. The force of gravity’s universal. It’s the
greatest distance between celestial body’s throughout space and the shortest
distance between molecular spins whose nucleus acts by a divine nature
scientist yet know a lot about. Gravity’s the shortest area by which a planet
lays upon a dark element that lies between all material entities throughout the
universe. It acts in proportion with the celestial sphere’s size mass and
calculates the distance between the stars, planets and galaxies across the
cosmos that lay upon this dark element that stretches, curves, bends and clumps
around them. This dark element’s the only substance yet not detectable by any
scientific means to define it but of which the earliest physicists call ‘Gravity”.
Gravity acts in tune with our universe’s angular motion impressing in it
gigantic celestials created as matter manifested by what we call the Big Bang.
As the celestial sphere’s, stars and galaxy’s orbit and rotate a loitering dark
fabric acts in absorbing the pushing against the universe movement cycle. Aside
from being a motionless, undetectable useable substance that’s only observable
by the activity it resends. The Fifth Element exists only as an active rippling
grid because of the planetary activity that resides within it. It’s the actions
of the planetary cycles that make the fabric element respond.
Accretion Bubble Universe Spin Realm
There exist two different models of what the
universe image is. The first model is the accretion Disk which illustrates a
universe model by which the universe orbits in a circle which pushes everything
towards an outer edge. The second model is the bubble universe. This model
illustrates a universe that is round like a bubble that is expanding. When we review
the facts that illustrate these two models we observe that the bubble model
looks like a balloon that is always expanding and getting bigger and bigger. We
review the facts that illustrate the accretion disk we observe a universe
possibly flat and rotating in a circle yet has a flat space across like
possibly a 33 record album.
When we look at the bubble model it seems
pretty easy to understand its imagery. But the accretion disk is physically
orbiting and rotating at a specific speed that has been measured at light speed
and that the cycles it impresses as a physical model we observe a nature that
like the planets and the galaxies the universe’s rotation is not physically in
the same order. In the accretion disk the universe rotates at different cycle
paths each and every different cycle it orbits in a single circle.
The accretion disk seems to allow physicists
to explain the ethics about the universe and the forces it illustrates more
easily than the bubble model. Gravity causes material in the disc to spiral
inward towards the central body. Gravitational and frictional forces compress
and raise the temperature of the material causing the emission of
electromagnetic radiation. The frequency range of that radiation depends on the
central object's mass. Accretion discs of young stars and protostars radiate in the infrared; those around neutron stars and
black holes in the X-ray part of the spectrum. The study of oscillation modes
in accretion discs is referred to as disk seismology.
If the Universe is geometrically
"flat" (as believed by most astronomers) how does a flat disk come
from an explosion? In addition, by definition the farther an object moves away
from another object, the less the gravitational force they have between each
other. Therefore from the Big Bang, which would have caused a RANDOM
distribution of the galaxies in the universe, why do we instead see orderly
clustered galaxies? There is no force of gravity to pull them together because
they would be travelling farther apart from each other from the big bang. How
can someone logically accept today's cosmology?
The universal
structure - Electromagnetic Theory
The Universe is electromagnetically
organized around the universal nucleus. As the structure of the Universe is arranged
by the electromagnetic fields forces, an intimate relationship is established
between the structure and the dynamics of the Universe. The nature of this
interaction includes an electric and a magnetic component. The structure and
the dynamics of the Universe are simultaneous and constantly produced by the
interrelation of the electromagnetic fields.
The physical laws which arrange and manage
the planetary systems, the stellar systems and the galaxies are the same laws
that arrange and govern the entire Universe. These very basic and well known
laws state that: 1. Magnetic fields are curved and 2. Magnetic fields turn to
the left as they are produced.
As all the structures in the Universe, the
atomic as well as those which conform the cosmos have a nucleus and minor
entities orbiting around, then it is quite possible that the Universe as a
whole also have a nucleus, and orbiting entities.
The interaction and the combination of the
two polarities generated by the magnetic
fields defines the structure and gives motion to the Universe. The magnetic
attraction arranges and organizes the Universe while the magnetic rejection
imposes movement to the Universe. The balance between magnetic attraction and
magnetic rejection establishes the structure and the dynamics of the entities,
of the systems and of the complete Universe.
The minor entities electromagnetically
organize around a center or nucleus
The minor entities
electromagnetically organize around a center or nucleus
At the atomic level, at the planetary
level, at the solar systems level, at the stellar systems level and at the
galactic level, the arrangement of the systems is always established by the
electromagnetic fields forces. The particular organization of the elements and
of the systems in the Universe is very similar at any level and persistently
exhibits the same pattern and characteristics: "A number of minor entities
orbiting around a central, main, entity".
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