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Founder and author of book literature's that
will change the way mankind predicts earths scientific logic and future
direction Rodney Kawecki and author of a several books series under the logos
“ The Quanta Physics Theory “ disclosing
to displays a new theoretical foundation for advance physics theory for the
world to venture from. His ideas open the door to the universe’s future and the
foundation for its beginning and predictive ending based on the logic that
something that was first created should by all reason logically retain some
sort of end. Rodney Kawecki’s new peek in modern physics science changes the
way advance physics logic and ideas lead mankind’s future.
Donations are requested from literary
science groups and organizations as well as common interested individuals that
seek to survive a stable earth’s future. The idea that earlier nineteenth
century science technology may retain faults that over the decades have been
accepted as literal fact may stand in the way for a safe vision in mankind’s
future in the scientific prime direction of time that could paralyze and or
slow down progress in scientific achievements towards space advances in
America’s future space technology and safe insight to traveling amongst the universes
open highways in the sky we ask the known public for their acknowledgement in
this cause.
Thank you.
Your help is needed. Please donate for this cause…
Donate by: Credit
Card, Debut card, cash, check or money order to:
donation segments’ of: $3 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $50 $100 $200
To: Rodney Kawecki
7325 Sepulveda Blvd Suite #208
Van Nuys, Ca 91405
Account number: 4015 2490 1918
The Opera Neutrinos Faster Than Light Time and
Space Travel
Experiments of neutrino speed played a
role in the reception of the OPERA result by the physics community. Those
experiments did not detect statistically significant deviations of neutrino
speeds from the speed of light. For instance, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees and
theoretical physicists Lawrence Krauss and Stephen Hawking stated neutrinos
from the SN 1987A supernova explosion arrived almost at the same time as light,
indicating no faster-than-light neutrino speed. John Ellis, theoretical
physicist at CERN, believed it difficult to reconcile the OPERA results with
the SN 1987A observations. Observations of this supernova restricted 10 MeV
anti-neutrino speeds to less than 20 parts per billion over light speed. This
was one of the reasons most physicists suspected the OPERA team had made
Quanta Physics Faster
Than Light Abnormality
Measuring speeds is a method of
mathematics. Mathematics in physics’ is the physics method to measure results
of how fast or slow particles travel in time. It is therefore logical to assume
that speeds faster than light according to relativity (1905) is a method of
mathematics but as you can read in Albert Einstein's Universe by Rodney Kawecki
that Einsteinian mathematics doesn't qualify to the subject explaining his light
speed theory. The mathematics he invented does not illustrate his fourth
dimension as he persist it too nor are they mathematically correct as an
equation for it.
In the dilemma Rodney Kawecki has chosen mathematical numbers to vacuum
time travel that coordinate with numbers in its gravity atmosphere to resolve
and correct the difference.
Explanation: Speeds are measured
in the real-time world measurements and in real time. The idea that neutrinos
that are made from photon particles interiors travel faster or slower is not an
experiment of real-time coordinates. Comparing the subject matter in the OPERA
Experiment trying to measure something that might travel faster than light
cannot be based on the subject matter of the materials used to measure the
flight because element masses of this world do not travel faster than light.
It stands to reason that if matter cannot travel faster than the light
limit than anything having to do in the experiment is flawed. We look at trying
to discover whether or not a ship has the capacity to travel faster than its
medium limit by means is always going to be the same. Using particle matter
trying to resolve the issue of faster than light time travel coordinating will
always be the same.
But - if we look at space in vacuum weightlessness in a laboratory in
space or on the ground there exist no propulsion value to measure with as shown
in particle physics experiments. The theory can be based on three sectaries 1)
propulsion 2) capability 3) the measure of the vacuum. How fast can something
travel in a boundless universe should
be based on these values not of a confined particle but a boundless
medium. Newton’s first discovery on 'dual acceleration" showed how time
travel coordinating can be changed using added propulsion so how hard is it to
believe that faster velocities than light are not possible? Everything acting
inside a forced environment like a planet’s atmosphere is measurable but still
affected by that environment because it is there that the experiment is in
force and those materials. Gravity is not detectable yet its force acts on
every object on the earth’s ground.
Gravity is a result of matter acting on other matter the large earth
acting on smaller surface matter. This
effect is always at the same frequency because gravity is the result of matter
acting on matter. It is the size of the mass and its matter chemistry that the
weight of gravity is measured upon. The earth’s energy (e) acts on other
surface materials causing them (e) to manipulate a formal weight means. This
means is measured by the surface matters size and mass energy definition. Even
thought the surface object is smaller - its gravitation is ratified by its
center of mass as a whole. It is assumed that all matter throughout the
universe acts on the same frequency because it all arrived out of a same big
bang but science has radiated this by researching the idea that where the
universe is made up of multiple galaxies abroad that these galaxies did not
revolve from a single bang but from smaller independent galactic bangs.
Therefore we can resolve the idea that material masses throughout the universe
are different and are not the same. With this in mind we can see that the Opera
Experiment is a definite result of a single bountiful region bound by this
We can also observe the fact that a boundless expanding universe is
boundless not by the weight of its force but the size of its unstableness. As
the universe expands it drags matter with it. Therefore the force of the travel
transmission is expanded also but the question is to what end. Matter has a
force velocity of zero in space vacuum and an instantaneous velocity of v2
square. It moves in accordance with how faster this weight of matter is allowed
to. There exist no real-time time travel acceleration in the manner by which
the celestial travel and orbit in space they are different depending on the
sector. We assume that it is due to the universe in motion by spinning but yet
we cannot measure those results but yet it is still moving. Celestial matter at
the far outer rim of the universes expansion is its oldest and the less
energetic quality due to its age.
The manner by which the universe is mapped everything lays deep within a
universal deepest space curvature made by the existing weight matter has on
liquid space. We can assume that all the universes’ trash falls over the
farthest edge of space. We can also assume that gravity in empty space in its
emptiest area midfield the celestial orbitrations are the higher points that
exist around a deepen planet. Where the universe orbits at its strongest point
is near its earliest beginnings. As it spins something more takes place than
just what is said about a big bang universe continuum where new galaxies are
being continually born.
Gravity on an active planet acts according to the laws that govern
science. The effect between the main earth celestial and a surface object is
weighed by a repulsive pushing the same as observed in an expanding universe
theory therefore gravity is universal. It is the frequency of the planets
energy that acts on the surface object energy which weight coordinates’ a
common free fall measurement. It is not the objects energy that accounts for
its weight but the size of the mass. Where the common source stays the same as
a common force between the earth and the surface matter gravity which is the
objects attained weight its energy is what controls the common speed it free
falls back to the earth ground by energy is a common frequency is the reason
free fall measures 9.8 meters a second.
We look at this new theory about gravity and time travel to conclude to
the venture that a weightless mass in space acted upon by a pushing initial
gravity force that is universal adding the force of acceleration into the
equation than can allow for speed coordinates’ greater than the speed of light.
Imagine This:
The Universe is spinning. In a spaceship in
space we are traveling along with all the planets, stars and galaxies as they
also spin with the universe. The universal spin has been measured to be the
speed of light. The same coordinates as the speed of gravity because the
universe spins us in the spaceship are already traveling at the speed of light
along with everything celestial in its realm. As we accelerate we accelerate to
a speed from which the universe and everything in it is already traveling at.
We accelerate to a faster velocity and let off the acceleration peddle - as a
result we don’t need the acceleration peddle which is the force of propulsion
velocity because the universe is already spinning at the speed of light this is
called free fall acceleration.
We again press on the acceleration peddle and finally we reach close
to the speed of light and we still don’t
need a constant force of acceleration like we do here on earth that would slow
drag us into a zero speed velocity. In space we continue to time travel close
to light speed along with everything else in the universe stars, planets and
galaxies and we still don’t need a continual force of acceleration or constant
speed propulsion the propulsion acceleration pedal gives us. NO – we continue to time travel without it at
a specific speed close to light speed.
NOW – we acceleration again putting are foot on the pedal. We press hard
to accelerate are speed. The planets don’t start rotating backwards as
relativity persist to us and the orbits of the celestial systems don’t change
either we do not enter a new dimension as relativity perceives it we just
continue to travel faster and faster in the deepest universe realm that exist
in the empty space of a foreign galactic space curvature. Yes – we just
continue to travel in a weightless mass
state through space with nothing dragging or weighing us down our kinetic
value stays the same because their exist no energy in the ship’s hull where the
ships vibrations are based on the solidity of the ships manufacture material. We
reach light speed and as are capacity of acceleration continues – we do too why
– because the force of acceleration of are engines wasn't specifically needed
as a continual force as friction acts on earth’s surface mobility – using our
foot on the pedal. Accordingly, we have reached light speed and are still
accelerating. As we do we are now
accelerating at a speed which space gravity finally catches up to us at the
speed of light. According to these calculations in Quanta Physics Theory Rodney
Kawecki sees it like earth traveling at light speed against a gravity force
creates a speed limit of a g²/v2 (speed of light). The real question is how
deep is space? Using light speed definitions as we do in science we neglect to do
so more less obvious of the depth of the vacuum. The deeper the vacuum
coordinates or negativity force the deeper the free fall terrain. As the universe
sets into angular motion it is not all read measuring all the same? As a planets
density field of one planet may differ from another somewhere else so is the
vacuum. The space stronghold inside a galaxy compared to a freedom coordinance
outside it differs as a vacuum hold.
All particles on earth travel
close to light velocity. Particles are definite particle membrane of a single
atom which energy stays the same which may prove them having a limitation. The
vacuum of space is empty space and is expanding openly as a liquid which matter
sits into as celestial matter. We reach the speed of light in vacuum space and
we have yet reached the limit because we are traveling at a speed relative with
the universes spin. As we accelerate faster we do so with are foot on the
peddle measuring are velocity by the propulsion value on are engines capacity
to travel faster and faster as long as we can press down on the pedal and
assume the vacuum of space or as they might say on Star Trek - e-n-g-a-g-e.
We ask for donations to keep up the new
work in advancing physics to its fullest potential and to acknowledge the
possibilities of its future of this world and other worlds that may exist out
there. It all arrived from out of a big
bang or did it? In any case – other existing worlds may exist on that logic and
carry towards the idea that the human species may be a leading existing
celestial being throughout the cosmos. Why – because it all started from a
specific point, origin and material existence called “The Big Bang “.
Real-time Space
Could it be otherwise? All the galaxies throughout the cosmos base
themselves as a single quantity of exiting smaller galactic bangs that may be
the existing cause of our universes nature. How and when did this happen is the
great question? Could there exist a new and different theory to our universe
evolution? Do black holes really exist and exist at the center of all celestial
galactic’ spheres and are they really
holes in the space fabric as earlier 1900 physicists persisted than from being
darken stars from the primeval time of the universes age in evolution? As the
frequency of the material energies entities all measure the same frequency – to
assure a common free fall 9.8 meter free fall coordinates pushing isn't the
objects weight that makes it all? Attraction like in magnetism and energy can
increase and decrease at intervals at different size masses but it’s the same
for all matter elements throughout planet earth. The Quanta Physics Theory written
by this author remotes a whole and new spatial for the science of space.
Instantaneous Time Travel Theory
Instantaneous time travel does not mean traveling into the past or the
future as earlier impressions on space travel predict. It means traveling at a
rate of velocity that allows a space ship to gain distance at superluminal
speeds where time or the four dimensions as Einstein explains persists.
Using light as a position
coordinates for interstellar space travel is not logical based on the
conclusion that light retains a fixed velocity and thus never changes. Since
the speed of light never changes any velocity co ordinance greater than light
doesn’t really exit – it becomes irrelevant and changes the path with a fixed
speed. For this reason the fourth dimension exist without it what I call
“Instantaneous Velocity” becomes relevant.
Instantaneous velocity means traveling at a speed relevant with the
capacity of the ships propulsion capability.
Searching beyond any fixed velocity instantaneous velocity means having
the capacity to travel at a superluminal speed without any fixed aberrations
with what relativity calls the fourth dimension. Why Einstein believed light
having a fixed velocity maintained the universal speed limit any ship could
travel is beyond me. In reality there exist no fourth dimension just time and
space where speed becomes relevant when measuring the speed a ship is capable of
traveling through empty space.
Einstein explains the four dimension as the fastest anything can travel
based on the fixed value of light and illustrates a fourth dimension as a
change time takes on when trying to travel any faster. For the fourth dimension
to exist the atoms in matter would have to have the capability to unwine at the
molecular scale inside an atom or group of matter. Some scientist are trying to
make this logic logical but to any degree not only can matter not interchange
due to a velocity of a vessel in the comparison its impossible to assume it
Cups won’t rewind backwards after being broken due to a speed of a
spacecraft traveling at any speed. Matter is a concealed tight center of mass
coordinated from the outer edge of the chunk to its center mass field
coordinate. In this way it becomes a solid state of material substance. Not
only is there no connect in the hypothesis but there exist no means for it to
happen. Rewinding the tape only happens
in the movie film projector. Not in real
life. ‘Light” and its fixed velocity have no relevance with how fast reality
passes bye in the cosmos. Light all by itself is just light waves or particles
radiation make from an extreme energy reflected in the dark.
The planets won’t begin to orbit backwards traveling pass light speed as
they are a fixed value based with its interaction with the suns depth. A ship
travels outside the realm of the connection between space and the interaction
of the solar system and the nine planets and there rotations. A spacecraft no
matter what velocity will not slow drag a planet much less a group of planets
like are solar system in a slow drag due to its speed. This is impossible.
Rodney Kawecki
In Quanta Physics Theory the raisins grow to the top of the bread in the
same way as the galaxies in the universe are pushed to its outer edge. Because
the loaf a bread is determent and cooks only to a specific ripeness the raisins
which are the raisins at the universes edge can no longer expand further than
the loaf's cooking degree of ripeness so as they continually expand being
pushed from the loafs inner temperature setting they scrabble around each other
at an extremely great speed and faster than the loaf a breads growth in the
oven. Because the expansion velocity of the closer galaxies at the universes
center is measured at light speed the galaxies being physically pushed against
at its edge scrabble pushing against the universes outer edge that divides it
from the detailed pure vacuum outside the bubble which as a specific length of
the universe at its edge - the expansion velocity increases to a greater
velocity than the more subtle space near its center. Because of the increase in
the cosmologic pressure where the universe seems to be independent as a bubble
realm as it pushes against its outer edge barrier as in Hubble Observation the
galaxies scatter sideways around one another - a definite increase in the
galaxies speed at this location though increased cannot be specifically
determined. It is only that the change in the galaxies speed at this point and
time is greater than light speed. It seems to me that something is procurable
is causing the galaxies to expand the universe and make it grow larger and
larger. Quanta Physics puts a erupting dark star partly closed at its surface
due to the cold vapor in the space atmosphere that is measured to be infinite
in mass. The amount of the spacious mass and its vacuum ice cold vapors in the
beginning preyed on the emerged star celestial when it emerged rendering it
with its ice cold and multitude of cold vapor making the dark star's crest
surface partly sealed with icy sheets and ice cold terrain. It seems most
likely that over the billions of years eruptions continue to explode at the
dark stars surface as it continually fights against the empty space cold vapor
atmosphere where gigantic chunks of matter are pushed out from its surface and
beyond the dark stars density field. As time passes these eruptions make enough
galaxies that they cause the outer realm the raisins close top the universes
outer edge to scramble at speeds faster than light and expand the universe as a
whole itself. The gigantic dark star that lays at the center of the universe
balances and stabilizes an orbital track that allows it to continually cycle
and expand. The Universe Dark Star is so gigantic in size that the total of eruptions
large enough that they form galaxies filling the space and expanding the
universe that it seems to measure a constant expansion rate when measured.
The universe is like a loaf of bread baked in an oven adding raisins to
be the galaxies. After the afterglow and fireworks of a dense star which was
shut frozen by the infinite terrain of the cold space cold vapor in an empty
dark space where a cosmic sphere appeared from out of an endless background of
darkness - large chunks of young solid
matter bunched together exploded into galaxies forming planets, star and
systems of stars. The density field that surrounded this gigantic star after
the galaxy chunks of matter were formed reaching away from the dark spheres
density field into a free zpg space outside the reach of the inner spheres
field these galactic chunks exploded forming nebulas, clusters and planetary
debris we observe the universe today as. The dark star was shut closed frozen
behind them after they travel at extreme
velocities so as not to be caught in the stars field far away from the
celestial stars density field lay today around the outer edge of the oven baked
bread continually expanding away from each other with recession. After the
fireworks at the first few minutes of the universes beginning like a ring of
bright galactic matter these young galaxies spin in an orbiting circle dancing
around in freedom space abnormality continually being pushed away by the dark
frozen star that lays inside hiding at an astronomical distance darkness as the
density of its field surrounding it continues to expand by the pushing on the
galaxies around the universes outer edge cycling them as the dark star's
density field keeps pushing them away rather than attract them as similar matter a repulsion force acts on
The universe expands in the same fashion as baking a loaf of bread with
raisins in it in an oven. How it grows is dependent to the degrees the oven is
heating and the substance of the loaf bread. The growth of the loaf a bread
cooking is constant relative to the degrees temperature it is cooking at. The
raisins rise to the top they are the galaxies in the universe. They surround
the bread crest. As the loaf bread expands it gets larger and larger. Using a
microwave instead of an oven the bread cooks from the middle outwards with the
center of the bread heated the most. When the bread reaches its potential
maturity the heat is turned off or the bread will burn to a crisp.
In Quanta Physics Theory the raisins grow to the top of the bread in the
same way as the galaxies in the universe are pushed to its outer edge. Because
the loaf a bread is determent and cooks only to a specific ripeness the raisins
which are the raisins at the universes edge can no longer expand further than
the loaf's cooking degree of ripeness so as they continually expand being
pushed from the loafs inner temperature setting they scrabble around each other
at an extremely great speed and faster than the loaf a breads growth in the
oven. Because the expansion velocity of the closer galaxies at the universes
center is measured at light speed the galaxies being physically pushed against
at its edge scrabble pushing against the universes outer edge that divides it
from the detailed pure vacuum outside the bubble which as a specific length of
the universe at its edge - the expansion velocity increases to a greater
velocity than the more subtle space near its center. Because of the increase in
the cosmologic pressure where the universe seems to be independent as a bubble
realm as it pushes against its outer edge barrier as in Hubble Observation the
galaxies scatter sideways around one another - a definite increase in the
galaxies speed at this location though increased cannot be specifically
determined. It is only that the change in the galaxies speed at this point and
time is greater than light speed. It seems to me that something is procurable
is causing the galaxies to expand the universe and make it grow larger and
larger. Quanta Physics puts a erupting dark star partly closed at its surface
due to the cold vapor in the space atmosphere that is measured to be infinite
in mass. The amount of the spacious mass and its vacuum ice cold vapors in the
beginning preyed on the emerged star celestial when it emerged rendering it
with its ice cold and multitude of cold vapor making the dark star's crest
surface partly sealed with icy sheets and ice cold terrain. It seems most
likely that over the billions of years eruptions continue to explode at the
dark stars surface as it continually fights against the empty space cold vapor
atmosphere where gigantic chunks of matter are pushed out from its surface and
beyond the dark stars density field. As time passes these eruptions make enough
galaxies that they cause the outer realm the raisins close top of the universes
outer edge to scramble at speeds faster than light and expand the universe as a
whole itself. The gigantic dark star that lies at the center of the universe
balances and stabilizes an orbital track that allows it to continually cycle
and expand. The Universe Dark Star is so gigantic in size possibly comparable
to a flea and the actual size of the biggest galaxy known that the totality of
eruptions are large enough that they form galaxies filling the space and
expanding the universe that it seems to measure a constant expansion rate when
A universe with a broken cosmic beginning field is broken from balance
in the big bang theory demobilized by the explosion. In Quanta Physics Theory
the big bang hasn't happen yet for these reasons as the universe remains stable
and balanced brightened in its observation and belittled suns.
The Void of Darkness
From inside the element and from what we know as the void of darkness
emerged in the beginning from within the spacious dark space emerged from it
the first Cosmic Embryus. A extremely
great sphere of in dense energy that when emerged strengthened into a n
infinite bright energy. Known as the first celestial its bright energy imploded
in over itself and physically changed its chemistry. Its infinite energy molded in with its fiber
regenenerting the sphere into a great material celestial that within its
center retained the most boiling heat lava ever known. And as you will see
later in the years its dense center lava
is what created a vast universe we know today.
How it was made
Over time which looking back we can measure to years measured by the
distance that light travels the celestial at its surface burst infinitely large
astroids comets of boiling hot molded bursts
of its extremely tense energy swirling twisted flames flaring from its surface crest. These dense fire
balls explosions flew astronomical distances at infinite velocities from the
sphere surface arriving to a far away free space terrain that the celestial
itself emerged into in its beginning.
Having arrived the distance these large dense fireballs than exploded
having been relieved from its former inner cosmic celestial energy that from
being so great when it was flew into a
new weightless space freedom aboard the first celestials dense gravity field
they burst forming smaller galactic bodies around the first celestial sphere
field body we observe today as the galaxies.
Like water droplets jumping from an extreme boiling bottom the bursting fireballs jumped from the first spheres surface illustrated a three dimensional universe surrounded by galaxies. Far away
from the existence of the galactic bodies hidden was at the center the inner
source of what we know today of as the universe.
Casmir Gravity is the area and
affects between two planets within a closed system which gravity, the elements
and energy forces form as a surrounding barrier around a planet due to the
close perimeters of a group of planets and the distance between them based on
the quality density in each of the other planets atmosphere. It is the space
that exists and is formed at the surface of a planet we measure to be gravity
but is actually the force formed by the orbitrary cycle in the system of stars
or planets that creates this Casmir space is the actual formation of a group of
stars or planets in a system based on their size and mass that forms a space
between them that is not affected by the vacuum that lays between them.
We look up into the brightened sky at night and see a wonderful void of
lightened stars. Some planets larger
than others some captured in groups we call solar systems. Our sun the greater of planets in our solar
system dominates the other nine. It lies deep in space as the other nine
planets orbit in a grand free fall falling don towards the sun but the solar
system is in a great spin. The dominion
star our sun rotates just above a tension space that tightens due to the
eight it possesses as a result the dark fabric rejects fusion with the suns
energy and pushes against its element energy causing it in a spin in the space
This effect between the sun and the fabric of space acts also with the
other nine planets causing them to spin by he same reason their energy is
rejected by the fabric projectile tension forming an invisible grid to form.
The planets in our solar system age like other systems throughout the
cosmos. Because the dominion star the
sun acts as the main masterpiece with its heavy weight and lays deepest in the
space grid its spin gravitation and the tension it s energy space pushes away
from it causes the other planets in its system to be pushed sideways due to its
spin using its depth keeping them in free fall at the same time.
As Einstein would say its all energy of all the different elements we
know of and those we don’t know about with all the different sizes and mass
sizes in a single system they all act in harmony with each other. The sun forms
the carousal causing the balance between free fall and an outward spinning as
the planets divide themselves from one another
by the amount and quality of energy they possess this forming the cycle.
The Universe is often defined as the totality of existence including
planets, stars, and galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all
matter and energy. The observable universe is about 46 billion light years in
radius. Observation of its earlier stages suggest that the Universe’s been
governed by the same physical laws and constants throughout most of its history.
The Big Bang theory’s the prevailing model that describes the early development
of the Universe. Observations have shown that the Universe appears to be
expanding at an accelerating rate. There are many theories about the fate of
the universe. Physicists remain unsure about what, if anything preceded the Big
Bang. Many refuse to speculate, doubting that any information from any such
prior state could ever be accessible. There are various multiverse hypotheses,
in which physicists have suggested that the Universe might be 1 among many
universes that exist. 2 positively charged wires set apart across from each
other. Where the power of both wires is turned off—1 wire’s connected to the
other and the energy will pass through both wires to a single end that’ll have
an electrical current. If the same 2 wires similar in positive electricity are
separated—what’ll happen? There’ll be a spark. The 2 wires don’t attract as
relativity theory persist they spark proving resistance to each other.
Planetary celestials are similar objects thus it’d stand to reason that they’d
repel but unlike Newton’s theory on gravity they attract each other. The
theories you’ll read explain gravity in the opposing trait and are projected
with the theory that like particles and energies repel and don’t attract. This
theory was a lifelong research about space, time, gravity and the velocity of
light which Kawecki persist that a mass without reference that ‘light’ travels
at a consistent velocity that relativity perceives as a speed limit but more so
that ‘mass’ can travel faster than light based on the capacity of its
proportion value to do so. Unlike a light beam—he limited the velocity of
travel on a light value rather than using a ‘mass’ determination. ‘Light’ isn’t
a good example that explains the proportion capacity of a material mass
spacecraft— it’s just a beam of light and not a maneuverable ship traveling
through space. Kawecki developed a theory on gravity that explains the ability
not only to travel faster than the Einstein Light Beam but also the value and
activity of gravity in space and the gravity realm that sustains a planet, star
or galaxy. 2 similar magnetic like energy or electricity repel because they’re
similar. Unlike poles attract. Newton and Einstein agreed that like matter
attract and based their theories on it. Newton said ‘gravity’ attracts.
Einstein said energy attracts star energy and the celestial-like. Physics says
like energetic materials don’t attract but repel so the question is asked
“Who’s right?” Quanta Physics and the developer of this theory about earth
gravity and space travel asserts the opposing model that like energies repel
and don’t attract as earlier physicists foretold. The indifferences in free
fall in a sphere’s atmosphere are measured by the specific twist and velocity
of the earth’s rotation. A small object size-mass may curve as it falls but is
directed by the planets invisible atmosphere pressure the planet weaves and
layers as it spins at 18.5 miles each second and that minimizes how fast an object
will fall at 9.8 meters per second. The force of gravity’s universal. It’s the
greatest distance between celestial body’s throughout space and the shortest
distance between molecular spins whose nucleus acts by a divine nature
scientist yet know a lot about. Gravity’s the shortest area by which a planet
lays upon a dark element that lies between all material entities throughout the
universe. It acts in proportion with the celestial sphere’s size mass and
calculates the distance between the stars, planets and galaxies across the
cosmos that lay upon this dark element that stretches, curves, bends and clumps
around them. This dark element’s the only substance yet not detectable by any
scientific means to define it but of which the earliest physicists call ‘Gravity”.
Gravity acts in tune with our universe’s angular motion impressing in it
gigantic celestials created as matter manifested by what we call the Big Bang.
As the celestial sphere’s, stars and galaxy’s orbit and rotate a loitering dark
fabric acts in absorbing the pushing against the universe movement cycle. Aside
from being a motionless, undetectable unseable substance that’s only observable
by the activity it resends. The Fifth Element exists only as an active rippling
grid because of the planetary activity that resides within it. It’s the actions
of the planetary cycles that make the fabric element respond.
Accretion Bubble
Universe Spin Realm
There exist two different models of what the universe image is. The
first model is the accretion Disk which illustrates a universe model by which
the universe orbits in a circle which pushes everything towards an outer edge.
The second model is the bubble universe. This model illustrates a universe that
is round like a bubble that is expanding. When we review the facts that
illustrate these two models we observe that the bubble model looks like a
balloon that is always expanding and getting bigger and bigger. We review the
facts that illustrate the accretion disk we observe a universe possibly flat
and rotating in a circle yet has a flat space across like possibly a 33 record
When we look at the bubble model it seems pretty easy to understand its
imagery. But the accretion disk is physically orbiting and rotating at a
specific speed that has been measured at light speed and that the cycles it
impresses as a physical model we observe a nature that like the planets and the
galaxies the universe’s rotation is not physically in the same order. In the
accretion disk the universe rotates at different cycle paths each and every
different cycle it orbits in a single circle.
The accretion disk seems to allow physicists to explain the ethics about
the universe and the forces it illustrates more easily than the bubble model.
Gravity causes material in the disc to spiral inward towards the central body.
Gravitational and frictional forces compress and raise the temperature of the
material causing the emission of electromagnetic radiation. The frequency range
of that radiation depends on the central object's mass. Accretion discs of
young stars and protostars radiate in
the infrared; those around neutron stars and black holes in the X-ray part of
the spectrum. The study of oscillation modes in accretion discs is referred to
as disk seismology.
If the Universe is geometrically "flat" (as believed by most
astronomers) how does a flat disk come from an explosion? In addition, by
definition the farther an object moves away from another object, the less the
gravitational force they have between each other. Therefore from the Big Bang,
which would have caused a RANDOM distribution of the galaxies in the universe,
why do we instead see orderly clustered galaxies? There is no force of gravity
to pull them together because they would be travelling farther apart from each
other from the big bang. How can someone logically accept today's cosmology?
The universal structure -
Electromagnetic Theory
The Universe is electromagnetically organized around the universal
nucleus. As the structure of the Universe is arranged by the electromagnetic
fields forces, an intimate relationship is established between the structure
and the dynamics of the Universe. The nature of this interaction includes an
electric and a magnetic component. The structure and the dynamics of the Universe
are simultaneous and constantly produced by the interrelation of the
electromagnetic fields.
The physical laws which arrange and manage the planetary systems, the
stellar systems and the galaxies are the same laws that arrange and govern the
entire Universe. These very basic and well known laws state that: 1. Magnetic
fields are curved and 2. Magnetic fields turn to the left as they are produced.
As all the structures in the Universe, the atomic as well as those which
conform the cosmos have a nucleus and minor entities orbiting around, then it
is quite possible that the Universe as a whole also have a nucleus, and
orbiting entities.
The interaction and the combination of the two polarities generated by
the magnetic fields defines the structure
and gives motion to the Universe. The magnetic attraction arranges and
organizes the Universe while the magnetic rejection imposes movement to the
Universe. The balance between magnetic attraction and magnetic rejection
establishes the structure and the dynamics of the entities, of the systems and
of the complete Universe.
The minor entities electromagnetically
organize around a center or nucleus
At the atomic level, at the planetary level, at the solar systems level,
at the stellar systems level and at the galactic level, the arrangement of the
systems is always established by the electromagnetic fields forces. The
particular organization of the elements and of the systems in the Universe is
very similar at any level and persistently exhibits the same pattern and
characteristics: "A number of minor entities orbiting around a central,
main, entity".
Time Travelers
Time Travelers traveling back into the past from the future could in
fact change something there in the past. But the future traveler's doesn’t
change nor does the person or thing he changed. What does happen is the time
from which the change begins - slowly in the same way the time traveler from
the future traveled back into the past what is called the arrow of time from
that specific time the time traveler
made the change continues with the original time line from the change evolving
from that date of change. In other words, the ball doesn’t stop there but
rather it continues changing nothing in the future as some thought but forms a
history continuum from that day onward.
Does the action change the future? No.
Does the action change the past - yes
at that specific time and day onward...starting what might be called a time
continuum? History changed in the time it occurred. No more no less.....
Why is the question of time travel and its possibilities so
exclusive? No one really seems to agree
with answers from a lot a physicist. In Quanta Physics Theory wormholes analogy
is impossible because it’s impossible to break through the fabric mainframe
that substance matter fabric as it’s called that holds planets and galaxies in
their natural positions.
Some scientist like Albert Einstein asserts that due to what he calls
‘Gravity wells’ a planets rotational spin can be controlled. It is the inner
connection between the universe formats heading down to the solar system
accumulative interaction amongst variables in a complete system that a single
planet in relativity is resolved to in time travel. A ship traveling at light
speed can counter play against the planet gravity well and travel backwards in
time by traveling faster than light but Einstein’s cosmological constant does
not allow it. He also contradicts his theory’s be saying that if a ship could
travel at close light speed and maintain that velocity the ship and its crew
will travel into the infinite future. The interaction of a collective system of
planets as a whole also contradicts Einstein’s assertion with gravity wells.
Planet activity acts as a collective industry of systems making it made up of
star systems like our solar system and collectives like galaxy’s which
electromagnetism and collective pressures as a whole forbid planet singularities
to exist independently in the universe. The universe may not even be what we
believe it to be. Lost documentary subject literature may have strayed away the
real theory about what the universe is and looks like. So, now I have to ask – which of Einstein’s
ideas about traveling at the speed of light in his predictions is true, the
first or the second. No - time travel and its mathematical conversions have yet
but surfaced to its possibilities.
In Quanta Physics Theory and in the set of book collections by Rodney
Kawecki this author believes he has come up with the most best possibility to
time travel mathematics possibilities yet in scientific history. It has nothing
to do with gravity wells or how fast a spacecraft could travel but more so it
relies on the idea that if a velocity fast enough were possible it all has to
do with time matrix. Quanta Physics
researches beyond early twenty-first century theory of 1904 and before. It
seems that all are science has arrived from earlier scientific ideas trying to
explain the ideas about earth’s surface and atmosphere activity. Why do things
fall downwards to the surface? Why do items lighter than air float These and
other questions are the illustrations of how modern physics developed over the
Albert Einstein’s ideas about space and time were at the time the most
incredible. He explained things about space that even today seem most evident.
How and why do the planets, stars and galaxy’s lay amidst space and why don’t
they fall. It’s most evident that celestials must lie upon something amidst
empty space. He also illustrated that there exist two formal depths of space
actually three. One that space is not empty but is filled with planets and
stars. Second that above a celestial planetary object exist a second level of
space that is formally empty in characteristic but is filled as a vacuum. And
thirdly that within a planet atmosphere exist a different and unique difference
of empty space that is filled with planetary elements and pressure. All this
brings us to understanding that at the flat line division of what observe as
space that all the expressed activities I have just explained to you are a
division of indifferences that illustrate a total of four departments of space.
These divisions of empty space do not have anything to do with what this
chapter is illustrated by. Unlike Einstein’s envision about space and time
Quanta Physics Theory lies a passage about time relevant to time waves that may
or may not exist from which time and travel as a flat-line acts a new and
separate dimension called “Time Travel”. Does traveling close to light velocity
cause time to change into a new and specific fourth dimension as Einstein
predicts in relativity? It is my belief
that Einstein is wrong in his thinking about if any the manner by which time
and or time travel may exist at all.
Traveling close to light speed comparable with a planets rotation
velocity will not cause the planet in this case earth to slow down or speed up
at the velocity he talks about. The
light constant speed limit is wrong is its nature deciphered in mathematics as
it is professional specking. For instance, if a ship can travel close to the
speed of light – light speed equals the velocity relative that will cause the
earth to stop. In such argumentation – time on earth stops in his invention he
also claims that traveling at light speed continually each second of time the
ship travels at light speed the earth will travel into the future which he
calls the infinite future. Traveling
faster than light speed he claims will also allow a ship and its crew to travel
backwards in time called the fourth dimension. What Quanta Physics Theory
suggests and explains that in these specific ideas Einstein mathematically
deciphered in 1904 that become mathematically incorrect. But what’s more
interesting in Quanta Physics Theory is if Einstein’s theories are incorrect
than what is the correct summaries?

Also known as " The Nucleus Universe". Galaxies orbiting the center mass or Dark Star in its earliest days.....made thru a continuum of galactic bangs.
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